Résumé Print Résumé

Represented by:

Talent Trek Agency (TN) (865) 977-8735 / (615) 279-0010 Theatrical (Film / TV), Commercial, Theatre, Voiceover, Modeling, Print, Hosting / Public Appearances

Short Film

The Mockingbird That Fell from the Highest Branch (short)

The Mime (lead)

Dir. Alice Coop Esposito

Fix (short film)

Daniel (lead)

Dir. Ben Mcpherson

Eyezheimer (short film)

James (lead)

Dir. Javad Emami

Today's Teardrops are Tomorrow's Rainbows (short film)

Roy G. Biv (lead)

Dir. Justin Epifanio

House of Brotherly Love (short film)

Lucas Pickering (supporting)

Dir. Max Kane

The Clench of the Claw (short film)

Dr Ergo (lead)

Dir. Bosco Kim

A Rapturous Scent (short film)

Laurent Baxton (lead)

Dir. Grant Henderson

The Modern Mystic (docufiction film)

Phil (lead)

Dir. Alistair Redman

Nevus (short film)

The Doctor (supporting)

Dir. Moriah Dobos

Consumption (short film)

Mailman (supporting)

Dir. Moriah Dobos

The Time Travel Agent (short film)

Phil (lead)

Dir. Justin Epifanio

Dinamicity (short film)

City Dweller (lead)

Dir. Alice Coop Esposito

Good Ache (short film)

the Wanderer (lead)

Dir. Phil Ristaino

Not Here (short film)

David (lead)

Dir. Cavlin Khurniawan

In Between (short film)


Dir. Jack Jiangan Xu

Spider Girl (fan film)

George Stacy (supporting)

Dir. Emmanuel Weathers Harrell

Box in a Suitcase (short film)

the Lemurian (lead)

Dir. Cat Mcgrath

The Will (short film)

Dale (supporting)

Dir. Mike Malagon

Get Lucky (short film)

Lucky (supporting)

Dir. Zoe Canner

Flesh and Stone (experimental feature film)

Pick up Artist (supporting)

Dir. Julia Tell

The Audition (short film)

Barfly #2

Dir. Sergey Bodruv

Intermission (short film)


Dir. Mark Tiedemann

The Imagination of Jeremy Blake (short film)

Art Gallery Patron

Dir. Dan Krauss

Michael Sadler's Crusade (short film)

Thomas Walker (supporting)

Dir. Caprezia Lane

The Resort (short film)

Ishmael (supporting)

Dir. Afsaneh Mah

Feature Film

Blood Was Everywhere (feature film)

Kevin (supporting)

Dir. Jason Torrey

Brother Sister Lover (feature film)

Brother (lead)

Dir. Jason Torrey

Uncle Kent 2 (Feature Film

Obsessed Fan (featured)

Dir. Todd Rohal

American Epitaph (feature film)

Elliot (lead)

Dir. Ryan Holden

Slit Mouth Woman in LA (feature film)

Remy (supporting)

Dir. Akira Hirose

Today Will Be Yesterday Tomorrow (feature film)

Mystical Bill (supporting)

Dir. Alex Goldberg

Saving Manhattan (feature film)

Aaron (supporting)

Dir. David Pilot

Hemingway and Gelhorn (feature film)

Havana Club Patron

Dir. Philip Kaufman

Bird Box (feature film)

School for the Blind Occupant

Dir. Susanne Bier

Straight Outta Compton (feature film)


Dir. F. Gary Gray

The Net (feature film)


Dir. Irwin Winkler

Paradise Club (feature film)

Beach Hippie

Dir. Carolyn Cavallero

The Girl From Monday (feature film)


Dir. Hal Hartley

Conceiving Ada (feature film)

Club Patron

Dir. Lynn Hershman-Leeson

Halloween Hell (feature film)

Bar Guy

Dir. Ed Hunt

Hero Punk (web feature film)

Wellness Man

Dir. Kanen Flowers

The Golden Age (feature film)


Dir. Justin Connor


The Millionaires (Amazon comedy series - 10 eps)

Phil the Director (supporting)

Michael McCartney, Mark Valley

Battle of the Band (pilot)

Darwin Rakowski (lead)

Dir. Philip Armand

As Seen On TV (pilot)

Phil Ristaino (host)

Dir. Philip Armand

Westworld (HBO - season 2 episode 10)

Union Soldier

Dir. Jonathan Nolan

Devoured: Man Eating Supersnake (Animal Planet)

Gardner (featured role)

Dir. Carlos Mora

People Magazine Investigates (episode 212)

Wallace Wheeler (featured)

Dir. Stephen Schuster

Laff Mob Sketch Comedy Show (Tru TV)


Dir. Kriss Sims

Justice with Judge Mablean

Emmet Brown (featured)

Justice Central

Cupcake Cage Match


Food Network

The Kingdom (Direct TV Series)


Dir. Dennie Gordon

I Almost Got Away with It

Final Bust Cop

Discovery Channel

World's Astonishing News (3 episodes)

Student, Swat Team, Man w/ Gun

Duo Creative

Koroda Kosaku: the Diplomat

Man in airport

Fuji TV

Music Videos

Good Ache (by the TWE)

Lead actor/ lead singer/lyrics

Phil Ristaino, Alistair Redman

For a While (by the TWE)

Lead actor/lead singer/drums/lyrics

Dir. Alice Coop Esposito

Cobalt Silver (by Agents of Venus)

Lead actor/lead singer/lyrics

Dir. Alistair Redman

Fall Off the Earth (by Agents of Venus)

Featured actor/singer/lyricist

Dir. Jason Torrey

Danny the Street (by the TWE)

Lead singer/drummer/animator/lyrics

Mike Gordon,Phil Ristaino

Petrified Flowers (by the TWE)

Lead singer/drummer/lyrics

Dir. David Biedny

Happy with Me (by Holychild)

Creepy Older Guy (supporting)

Dir. Liz Nistico

Every Time I Fall (by Holychild)

Creepy Older Guy (supporting)

Dir. Liz Nistico

Pretend Believe (by Holychild)

Creepy Older Guy (supporting)

Dir. Liz Nistico

Everything to Me (by Shane Filan)

Happy Desert Drummer

Dir. Ben Fee

Wear Me Out (by Skylar Grey)


Dir. Isaac Rentz

Coulda Woulda Shoulda (by Lyrics Born)

Funky Dancer

Dir. Yoram Benz

Dance with Me (by Albina)

AA Meeting Member

Dir. Phil Lee


The General: Great Rates (Insurance Blues)

George (lead)

Dir. Ken Roberts

SF Community Housing Partnership

Homeless Man (lead)

Dir. Martin Rosetti

Compliance Hounds (for Life Technologies)

Dr Pink (lead)

Dir. Damon Stea

Sunrun: the Sounds of Solar

Hipster Dad (lead)

Dir. Anders Forsman

Dish Network: Photobooth

Barbershop Quartet

Dir. Jeanne Kopeck

Son of No One (book trailer)

Otherdimensional Zombie

Dir. Steve Roth

Net 10

Phil Ristaino (lead)

Dir. Philip Armand

Facing Ourselves and History PSA

One of Us

Dir. Jordan Bahat

Caveman (for Next Gen Climate)


Alex Jacobs

Doritos: Scary Snack

Ghost Wrestler (lead)


Kirk's Guide to Women

Phil (lead)

Dir. Bones Rodriguez

Desperado Beer

Party Goer

Armada Productions

Street Fighter 4: Mistletoe This

Man on Park Bench Getting Punched


Samsung Christmas Commercial


Epoch Films

Tele 2


Hollywood Sky Entertainment

Web Hub App

Cafe Patron

Dir. Alex Hersler

Global Zero


Dir. Eric Smith

Beats Studio 3 Wireless Headphones


Voice Over

The Post Relevant Podcast


Dir. Phil Ristaino

SF Community Housing Partnership (Commercial)

Voice Over

Dir. Martin Rosetti

As Seen On TV (TV pilot)

Host Voice Over

Dir. Philip Armand

Net 10 (Commercial)

Voice Over

Dir. Philip Armand

The Master and Margarita (Radio Play on WFMU NY)

Host/Various Characters/Sound Foley

Dir. Megan Ryan

STNY (radio play on WABC NY the Joey Reynolds Show)

Lt. Frenzy

Dir. Ben Sterling

Sept 11: A Radio Tribute (Museum of TV and Radio)

Folk Singer

Stage Shadow Productions

Start Trekkin NY (radio play)

Chief Medical Officer Digsby

Dir. Ben Sterling

Start Trekkin NY (radio play on Loud Idiots podcast)

Admiral Pensey

Dir. Ben Sterling

The Invisible World with Frank Todaro (podcast)

Guest Host

Dir. Frank Todaro

A Vision (film pitch)

Voice Over

Dir. Philip Armand

Save My Favorite Show (short film)

Voice Over

Dir. Sandra Myers


The Post Relevant Podcast


Dir. Phil Ristaino

As Seen On TV (Tv Pilot)


Dir. Philip Armand

Mediocre NY (Online Web Series)


Dir. Phil Armand/Rob Albrecht

The Master and Margarita (radio play WFMU NY)


Dir. Megan Ryan

The Ride (Digital Billboard in Times Square)

Phil, the Digital Billboard

Dir. Michael Counts

Internet Content

The Post Relevant Podcast


Dir Phil Ristaino

Mediocre NY (comedy web series)


Dir. Phil Armand/Rob Albrecht

Michael Wohl's Filmaking Experience

Jerome/Cop (lead)

Dir. Michael Wohl

The High P.I. (comedy short)

Harvey High, Private Eye (lead)

Dir. Alice Coop Esposito

Sugar Pine 7 (youtube comedy series)

Jason's Dad (featured)

Dir Stephen Suptic

University Now (informational short)

Man with Glossophobia (lead)

Dir. Dan Bennett

University Now (informational short)

Angry Boss (lead)

Dir. Dan Bennett

Daggering: an Investigative Report (comedy short)

Woody Hardrod

Justin Epifanio, Dan Paustian

A Vison (flim pitch)

Arthur Utner (lead)

Dir. Philip Armand

Save My Favorite Show (web short)

Silver Singing Telegram (featured)

Dir. Sandra Myers

Almost There (comedy web series)

Paul West (featured)

Dir. Jimmie Cooper

Because Everyone Needs a Holiday (comedy short)


Dir. Ryan Bronze

Zombie Jokes (comedy shorts)

Zombie Jokester (lead)

Dir. Matt Kalman

The Magic Screwball (virtual magic 8ball)

The Magic Screwball (lead)

Dir. Matt Kalman

The Green (experimental short)

Phil (lead)

Dir. Roger Fritz

Shaky Animation (online animation)

Man with Hand in Mouth

Dir. Raul Enriquez

Live Improv and Sketch Comedy

Crisis Hopkins (improv and sketch comedy, SF CA)

Cast Member

Dir. Sam Shaw

Start Trekkin NY (improvised episodic sci fi NYC)

Cast Member

Dir. Ben Sterling

Shanghai Surprise (improvised spy tour SF, CA)

Cast Member

Dir. Joseph Tomasini

The Dinner Detective (improvised murder mystery SF, CA))

Cast Member

Dir. James Mastriani

Dr Zhibango's Chicken Dancing Hooker Pants (improv NYC)

Cast Member

Dir. Phil Ristaino

Kundalini Komedy (sketch and Improv NYC)

Cast Member

Dir. Matt Kalman

Improv Jones (short form improv Providence, RI)

Cast Member

Dir. Mauro Hantman

Halley Productions (improvised murder mysteries SF, CA)

Cast Member

Dir. Susan Halley

Free Delivery (short form improv and sketch SF,CA)

Cast Member

Dir. Elizabeth McGann

Nispsey's Rustle (long form improv S.Springs NY)

Cast Member

Dir. Phil Ristaino

Ad-Liberal Artist (short form sketch and improv)

Cast Member

Dir. David Miner

Theater (NYC)

Finer Noble Gases

Speed (supporting)

Julliard, Dir. Ian Belton

Election Day

Will Bates (supporting)

Triad thtr, Dir. Alex Goldberg

Cafe Antarsia

Kharagiosis (supporting)

Here Thtr, Dir. Ian Belton


The Rider (lead)

Culture Proj, Dir. I. Belton


The Colnel (lead)

Archlight, Dir. Ian Belton

30 Days

Salvador Dali (lead)

Juliard, Dir. Ian Belton

The Ghost Sonata

Student (lead)

Clemente Soto Velez thtr

The Master and Margarita

Host/Various Characters/Foley

Ontological/Hysteric & theFez

Hors La

Phil (lead)

Chashama/ Soho Rep


Phil (lead)

Soho Rep, Dir. Y. Duenyas


Son (supporting)

Red Room, Dir. James Stanley


One Man Show

The Show gallery

Grey Language

Clone 358/Wilhelm Riech (lead)

Chashama, Dir. Lindsey Bishop

the Ride

Phil the Digital Billboard (host)

Times Square, Dir. M. Counts

A Happening Among Happenings


Museum of Modern Art

Iphegenia in Taurus

Orestes (lead)

Columbia University

Theater (Regional and International)

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

Hyde/Lanyon (lead)

Town Hall thtr, Lafayette CA

Sci Fi a night of comedic shorts

Al Lien/Bob (lead)

The Dark Room, SF, CA

5 Characters in Search of an Exit

Clown (lead)

The Dark Room, SF, CA


Sam (supporting)

Soma Arts Thtr, SF, CA

Frontier and the Kings of Prussia

Kaiser Wilhelm (lead)

Prague, the Czech Republic

King (If the Air is There)

Shaman King (lead)

Prague, the Czech Republic

Waterloo Mills

Bohemian Kaiser (lead)

Arts Bank, Philadelphia, PA


Phineas Gage (lead)

ART, Boston, MA

Krapp's Last Tape

Krapp (lead)

Skidmore College


Nagg (supporting)

Skidmore College


Perowne (lead)

Skidmore College

Red Noses

Father Flote (lead)

Skidmore College

Three Penny Opera

Peachum (supporting)

Skidmore College

Mad Dog Blues

Yahoodi (lead)

Skidmore College

The Mud Woman

Short Guy (lead)

Skidmore College

Physical Characteristics / Measurements

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 140 lbs

comic book artist, director, editor, final cut pro, house painter, illustrator, lyricist, mural artist, painter, photoshop, storyboards, writer, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, Billiards/Pool Player, Bowling, Canoeing, Cycling, Football, Frisbee, Hackey Sack, Kayaker, Ping Pong, Racquetball, Running - Long Distance, Running - Sprint, Skateboarding, Soccer, Softball, Swimming - freestyle, Tennis, Trampoline, Volleyball, Bongos, Clowning, Dance - Breakdance, Dancer, Disc Jockey, Drums, Host, Improvisation, Juggler, Licensed Driver, Percussion, Singer, Vocal Range: Baritone, Vocal Style: Rapper, Voiceover, American - Boston Accent, American - New England Accent, American - New York Accent, American - Southern Accent, British - BBC English Accent, British - Cockney Accent, British - Scouse/Liverpool Accent