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Résumé Print Résumé

Represented by:

Linda McAlister Talent - Commercial Div (TX) (972) 948-1199 Commercial, Hosting / Public Appearances

Linda McAlister Talent - Film/TV Div (TX) (972) 948-1199 Theatrical (Film / TV), Hosting / Public Appearances

Linda McAlister Talent - Voiceover Div. (TX) (972) 948-1199 Voiceover for Acting Reel



Debra/ Supporting

Dir. Jeff Hamm

Santa's Cousin

Sophia/ Supporting

Dir. Ross Keagan Marks

The Last 5 Minutes

Jane/ Lead

Dir. Jeff Hamm

Blood Dried Hands

Natalie/ Supporting

Dir. Jason Vandygriff

Porch Pirates

Charlie/ Supporting

Dir. Jeff Hamm

This Is War

Vicky/ Supporting

Dir. Austin Williams

The Woman Under The Stage

Amber/ Supporting

Dir. Mitch McLeod

Dead Awake

The Night Hag/ Supporting

Dir. Phillip Guzman

Dark Ritual

Jennifer/ Lead

Dir. Christopher Warren

Movie Night

Rachel/ Lead

Dir. Matt Rosenblatt

Dr. Gift

Nurse Hannah/ Supporting

Dir. Abel Barry

Cherokee Creek

Cameron/ Supporting

Dir. Todd Jenkins

Return to Love Lake

Tracy/ Lead

Dir. Natali Jones

After Sundown

Molly / Supporting

Windblown Films

NIght, Night

Nancy/ Supporting

Dir. Nikki Cox

Psychic Experiment

Julie/ Supporting

Dir. Mel House

Cross to Canaan Valley

Eve/ Supporting

Samhain Media/ Triple E Prod.

Fright Flick

Eye Candy/ Supporting

Dir. Israel Luna

Echoes Of Innocence

Beth / Supporting

Dir. Nathan Todd Sims

The Deadbeat Club

Taylor / Supporting

Dir. Israel Luna

Spiderman 3

Foley Square Onlooker/ Feat.

Columbia Pictures

Darkest Days

Raphael / Supporting

MarshHawk Prod.

Guys in the Country

Brie / Supporting

Dr.Doctor Prod.

Winning Atlanta

Atlanta / Lead

Polydipsic Films

I, Jessica

Jessica / Lead

317 Films


Alyx / Lead

Q Ball Entertainment

Fennagan's Falls

Tracy / Supporting

Prankster Prod.

Love 10:16

Kelly / Supporting

Director Josh Gobin


Vindication (S6,Ep3)

Sierra/ Co Star

Dir. Jarod O'Flaherty

Washington's Armor (v2)

Agitha/ Co Star

Dir. Tammy Lane

Henchin' (TV movie)

Bethany (Co Star)

Dir. Nick Thyes/ Les Wieler

Between Heaven and Earth

Carmen/ Co Star

UA Network/ Dir. Rosa Nichols

Mothersh!p (S1. Ep3,6,8, 10

Mirror Mask, Mom, Margo, Becky

Dir. Nathan Schiefelbein


Actress/ Co Star

Dir. Mel House/ Comedy Cent

Far Our Fiesta (S5, Ep7,8)


Dir. Richard Houghton

Mindfull Nonsense (Pilot)

Donna/ Star

Mindfull Nonsense L.L.C

Hayden Hall TV (Pilot)

Jen/ Co Star

Dir. Kevin Hill/ NYU Films

Mr. Peppermint Show

Rachel / Co Star

WFAA Television


Mama Drama

Old Sara, Ensemble / Co Star

Director Nathan Cole

Romeo and Juliet

Juliet / Star

Black Box Theatre

I had a job I liked Once

Tracy / Star

Black Box Theatre

Eastern Standard

May / Star

Black Box Theatre


Joanna / Star

Black Box Theatre


Nobody Dies (South African Feature)

Erika/ English Dub

Dir. Quentin Krog

Tamako Love Story

Female Students

Dir. Naoko Yamada

Himouto! Umaru-chan

Kirie Hater/ English Dub

Dir. Masahiko Ôta


The Actor's Playhouse (Current)


Jose Quinones (Dallas, TX)

The Extra Mile


Glen Mosrhower (Virtual/ 1 yr)

Michelle Condry


Dallas, TX/ 1 yr

Studio E (TX)

Film Actors Workshop (10 months)

Elizabeth Reeder Neubauer

William Esper Studios (NYC)


Deb Jackel

HB Studio (NYC)

Scene Study

Jim Daly

Ken Farmer (5 years) (TX)

Film and Television

Ken Farmer

Ken Rundell (TX)


Trinity River Arts Center

Beth Sepko (TX)

Audition Workshop

Beth Sepko

K.D. Studio Actors Conservatory of the Southwest

Assoc. of Applied Arts Degree


Clark Lindsley (TX)

Film: Infront and Behind the Camera

Trinity River Arts Center

Elle Lindsey (TX)


Trinity River Arts Center

Dancing (Hip Hop, Lyrical), Modeling, Own a music Promoting business, Traveling, Owns a Valid Passport, Various Martial Arts (details upon request), Weapons Training, Stage Combat, Kickboxing, Personal Training, Alphabet in sign language, Yoga, Swimming, Water Skiing, Roller Skating, Public Speaking, Improv, Volunteer for local homeless shelters and Big Brothers Big Sisters, Works well with Children and Animals, Photography, Foose- ball and Air Hockey, Promotional Work, Dialects: (British, French, Southern)

Physical Characteristics / Measurements

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 lbs

Airplane PilotTraining, Personal Trainer, Bowling, Boxing, Canoeing, Combat - Stage, Jet Skier, Jump Rope, Kick Boxing, Kickboxing, Martial Arts, Martial Arts - Mixed, Ping Pong, Roller Skating, Shooting - Revolver/Automatic, Shooting - Rifle, Sky Diving, Snorkeling, Swimming - ability - general, Swimming - backstroke, Swimming - breast stroke, Volleyball, Water Skiing, Yoga, Dance Hip Hop, Dance Jazz, Dancer, Host, Improvisation, Licensed Driver, Modeling, Stunts, Teleprompter, Vocal Range: Alto, American - Southern Accent, Australian Accent, British - BBC English Accent, French Accent